Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who is your god?

I'm kinda late on updating my blog, better late than never though, right? :)

Todays question of the day: Who or what do you worship?

As I'm reading gods at war by Kyle Idleman...that question popped up about 5 times in one chapter.  It struck me how powerful that question is.  I figure I post it up on my FaceBook page. I got a few responses but mostly just "likes" on the status.  I wonder how many times people just take worship as something that is "religious".  Be reminded, religion doesn't save, God does.  When you accept the Lord as your personal savior, its a tremendous feeling.  You encounter your first love and it seems as though everything you ever wished for came to you at that moment.

Of course, us being human, we have a flesh.  A flesh that is yearning for the things of this world such as sex, drugs, alcohol, you name it...we are living in a generation where power and money is extremely important.  Who or what do you worship?
What or who do you put before your creator? 

We need to come to the realization that we defeat the evils of this world by our belief in Christ, our faith. When we stand firm in our faith and proclaim the good news, we need to be certain that we will not conform to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:2) 

I went to Walmart earlier today and when I came back home I seen a dead dog on top of a garbage can wrapped in reusable shopping bag.  I couldn't help but to feel such pain for that dog.  To think to myself "who would do such a thing?".  Someone who is lost, who doesn't know Christ as their savior.  Instead of putting all these negative things into mind, the best thing I can do is pray for the individual who has done such a horrendous thing and pray that they are reminded that God loves them.  

Think about this question "Who or what do you worship?"
Is this thing, or person worth it? Is it or he/she worth giving everything up for?

I know I cannot ever picture myself worshiping anything/anybody else but my savior, Jesus Christ.  He has paid the price for me, for you, for this world...He became me on that cross. He says we are forgiven, washed clean by His blood.  He has paid for our sins! What greater love can you possibly find?! 

How can we ever repay him? 

I pray that if you are reading this and you have not accepted the Lord as your personal savior that you will take a step of faith and do so, you will NEVER regret it.

Peace & Blessings. <3

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