Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jesus My Passion

Idols are defeated not by being removed but by being replaced.

The god of entertainment promised us a circus.  And in our adult world, which can be gray and drab, filled with obligations and responsibilities, that sounded pretty good.

We looked for attractions and surprises and amusements to create in us a sense of wonder.  Maybe we would find  it in music or in movies or in games or in sports.  The god of entertainment was hawking them all, like a carnival barker: "Step right up! Be amazed, be amused! Come one! Come all!"

But in the end, the music was flat, the movies were formulaic, and the games were rigged.  The circus would leave town and we wait impatiently for another one to take its place. 

Then we found our passion in Jesus.  If you haven't experienced it for yourself, I get that it sounds ridiculous - how could a dusty old Bible character compete with big-budget movies or action-packed games or soulful tunes? But once you know Jesus and passionately pursue him, it seems ridiculous that we thought we could ever find what we wanted on a movie screen, a website, or a playlist.

Jesus said it in John 10:10, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Adapted from "gods at war" by Kyle Idleman

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